Thursday 30 August 2012

Female infanticide should be made legal

I am a 28 yr old married woman who is all set and super excited for motherhood. I know how important a child is to a marriage to complete the family, to make a woman complete. Yet i think killing a girl child inside the foetus is not brutal! Am i of the theory who considers that girl child is a burden for me? No! Do i fear she is a huge investment with 0 ROI? No! I have to arrange for her dowry even if she would be highly educated? No! Am i of the philosophy that only a boy can take my generations name forward? No! Then what could be the reason for an aspiring mother to advocate for female infanticide?

As a teenager i used to think a lot as to how will i raise my girl child. It was always a girl in my mind because i never quite understood boys. As i grew up i became more and more obsessed with having a girl child. I chose a name also "Aanya". I was too excited to see a barbie doll or a pink fairy dress or the little girls on reality shows dancing singing brilliantly. But now as i get ready to bring my little one in this world i dread getting my Aanya to see this world. Reason is simple, if i can not give a safe, secure, and a terror free world to my daughter, if she cannot take her breath without thinking that it may be her last one, if she cannot do what she wants without getting scared about going out in those lonely streets, then what right do i have to bring her in this world! No she is not a burden to me but she will be a burden to herself. Why to torment the one i would love the most?

The newspaper these days are filled with cases of gang rapes, molestation and child abuse. I don't understand that the cases have increased in 21st century or the cases being reported are on an increase. Whatever it is it gives a proof of the heinous crime which is going on in society, however we may try and close our eyes to it, the reality aint going to change! Whenever we hear or read about such incidents, we become scared but subconsciously we believe that this cannot happen to me, not at all, not possible. May be the girl who got raped today thought the same reading the paper yesterday!

I can bet on the name of the person i love the most, that there aint be any woman who has not been a victim of eve teasing. As a teenager i remember while driving to my home from tuition i always dreaded to see in the rear mirror a bike racing towards me, i never knew that when they will overtake me, what will become of me. Some lewd remarks, some wrong touches or may be i will be on the road down with an accident in an attempt to save myself. I was not safe then, my daughter wont be either! Frankly speaking i wasnt too shocked by hearing the verdicts of khaps in UP stating that a woman cannot go outside a house unattended. Yes she cannot. Not that any kind of protection can actually protect her, but at least may obviate it for some time.  "Men and women are equal" is the most hypocritic statement i have ever heard in my life. They are equal only until men want them to. But whenever there manhood gets hurt because of a smart woman colleague or a refusal by a girl on a proposal or by wife earning more, then they are not equal. Then she needs to be taught a lesson that who she actually is! She should not be stupid enough to believe that she can be what she wants but she can be reduced to a living corpse at the mercy of a man! She could have a scar for her life which no justice, no 7 yrs imprisonment of her tormentor can remove!

So let this world get devoid of woman, let the situation in rajasthan happen all over the world where they are no girls left at all. The reason then was different to kill them, the reason now is different. But outcome is the same.

My dear girl "Anya", you are safer in my thoughts and fantasies but i dare not get you in this world my dear because i dont have enough capacity to save you from the scavengers around! I am really sorry!

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